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HEY! Hopeful Empowered Youth Logo

Building a 10-year vision and strategic plan for improving youth mental health and well-being in Greater Cincinnati

Hopeful Empowered Youth (HEY!) is a diverse coalition of community groups, healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, families, and most importantly, young people themselves, working collaboratively to create a community that supports the well-being of all youth from ages 0-24 in Greater Cincinnati, especially those facing the greatest barriers and disparities.

Addressing Youth Mental Health Needs

Addressing Youth Mental Health Needs

Good mental health is foundational for a fulfilling, productive life. Yet, far too many youth in Greater Cincinnati grapple with stress, isolation, anxiety, and depression, evidenced by increased emergency room visits at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and tragic instances of more young people dying by suicide.

Building a Community-Wide Movement for Change

HEY! conducted extensive research, completing a Greater Cincinnati Youth Mental Well-Being Collaborative Needs Assessment involving interviews, focus groups, and community meetings, engaging over 200 stakeholders, including 60 youth.

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The assessment revealed six key challenges identified by young people and community leaders:


School Environment

Academic pressure in school environments, compounded by the inability to access a trusted adult, bullying, and racial bias.

Community Connection & Safety

Connection and loneliness are challenges. Youth are also worried about social issues, like violent crime and lack of spaces to relax.

Caregiver Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices

Adverse childhood experiences deeply impact youth development, while caregivers face a lack of awareness about mental well-being.


Access to Affordable Care

Low behavioral health reimbursement rates remain for many with private insurance.

Care Quality & Coordination

Disconnected systems lack the infrastructure for providers to share information and coordinate care.

Provider Retention & Recruitment

Heavy workloads, low pay and limited support lead to low provider retention rates. Unpaid internships, expensive exams, and low pay also create barriers to entry in the field.

“ It’s a school building full of kids who are depressed.
They [adults] say ‘you can talk to me’ but then [they]
don’t come across as someone that you can talk to.”

– M., Black female, 15-18